Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay about Killing of Bien lanen

Essay about Killing of Bien lanen Essay about Killing of Bien lanen Life Reflection "Bartleby" by Herman Melville is one of the most complex stories ever written, and perhaps by any American writer of the period. There is little agreement among critics as to how it should be interpreted. It was extraordinarily ahead of its time, dealing with issues such as the rise of middle-class job’s depression, as well as realizing the future significance of Wall Street to American life. Yet it is also a deeply symbolic work; there are few, real-life Bartleby’s, telling their employers they would "prefer not" to do something, yet remaining at that place of business. When he published "Bartleby" in 1853, Melville had just come off the dismal failure of Moby Dick in the marketplace (According to Bio True Story the book wouldn't become a "classic" until it was rediscovered by critics nearly half a century after its publication, and years after Melville's death). Melville had enormous success with his earliest books, such as Typee and Omoo; books that dealt with his experiences on the high seas and on various islands. These books were not nearly as thoughtful as Moby Dick. Melville knew such stories would sell, but he preferred to write stories more similar to Moby Dick. Under this interpretation, the Lawyer represents the ordinary reader, who desires that Melville continue "copying" his earlier works, while Melville, pained by the failure of Moby Dick, replies that he would "prefer not to," and finally stops writing entirely. The "dead letters," therefore, are Melville's shunned novels. The narrator in Melville's story is a highly respected and successful Wall Street lawyer. The lawyer can be portrayed as Melville’s fans. In the beginning of the story the narrator employs two 1scriveners, each of whom has certain individuality, the two scriveners being different writers of the time. Turkey, the oldest scrivener, is calm and thorough before noon, but after 'twelve o'clock, he becomes increasingly inconstant, clumsy, and impulsive. Nippers, the other scrivener, is the opposite; he comes in to work surly and nervous, but becomes increasingly pleasant and efficient as the day wears on. Because during their good periods both Turkey and Nippers are good scriveners, the narrator is willing to work around their imperfections in the name of office harmony. This unfortunately may set an example for his lack of ability to handle Bartleby; meaning that the readers of Melville’s stories are losing their power over his writing. Of course, Bartleby at first seems like he should need very little handling. He is an excellent scrivener; â€Å"pallidly neat, pitiably respectable, [and] incurably forlorn,† (411). Soon, however, he begins to exhibit flaws that are even more disturbing than those of Turkey and Nipper. When asked to compare his copy with the original, he replies that he would â€Å"prefer not to† (412). After a while he would â€Å"prefer not to† copy, either, and he eventually would

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Critiquing is not Editing

Critiquing is not Editing â€Å"Critiquing† is not â€Å"Editing† â€Å"Critiquing† is not â€Å"Editing† By Maeve Maddox A reader writes about a problem she is having with a friend who is critiquing her manuscripts. . . . whenever I use personification, alliteration, or any sort of figurative language, [the friend] edits it out. We have two very different styles, and I’m wondering if she is right in editing my work so drastically that it changes the style, or if my style is really far too â€Å"flowery†, as she puts it. Critiquing is not the same as editing. If the friend is â€Å"editing drastically,† the result is no longer a critique but a rewrite. The chief purpose of a fiction critique is to enable the writer to improve a manuscript by getting rid of unnecessary exposition, character inconsistencies or pointless dialogue. Thoughtful critiques from other writers can help the writer focus on essentials. What exactly is the writer’s purpose? Who is the protagonist? What does the protagonist want? Does each chapter advance the plot? I belong to a writing critique group. Everyone in it has a different style and different preferred genres. We also have various pet peeves relating to grammar, spelling and idiom. However, individual style is something we are very careful about respecting. For one thing, different genres call for different language. For another, every writer must develop a distinctive voice. A writer’s voice may include some flowery language. We respect style, but that’s not to say that we avoid commenting on language we feel is inappropriate or over the top. We make suggestions, but we don’t presume to edit unless we are asked to. It’s always up to the author to accept or reject any comments or objections. To the writer being critiqued I say: Its your voice. Its helpful to have others read our work and comment on structure, story line, believabilitythat kind of thing. We do not profit from readers who want to rewrite our work to their own specifications. Critiques should be honest in pointing out plot weaknesses, omissions, and other flaws, but they shouldn’t attempt to recast the author’s work according to the reader’s vision. In submitting your work for critique it’s a good idea to be specific about the type of feedback you want. If your reader’s comments are consistently hypercritical and make you feel bad, get another reader. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101Best Websites to Learn English7 Sound Techniques for Effective Writing

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are Cell Phones Really Dangerous to People Research Proposal

Are Cell Phones Really Dangerous to People - Research Proposal Example The problem has been identified: children have often access to cell phones with the permission of their parents. This trend is extremely dangerous especially since scientists have set severe restrictions regarding the potential use of cell phones by children – but these restrictions seem to be ignored by most of the people worldwide. At this point, the following problem appears: are cell phones really dangerous to people? This problem has been explored through a series of relevant studies. It is proved that cell phones can actually harm health; moreover, it seems that the risks for health can be severe for people of all ages. At the next level, it has been made clear that the ways in which cell phones can affect the health of humans can vary; the direct use of cell phone may be less harmful compared to the residence near a cell phone tower. Dr. Vini Khurana studied the effects of cell phones on health; his research led to the following findings: ‘the use of handsets for 10 years or more can double the risk of brain cancer’ (Geoffrey 2008). In the above study, is given on the fact that certain types of cancer can take quite long to develop – even up to a decade; therefore, the above study – having lasted for such period - provides a precise estimation of the potential effects of cell phones on the brain. Another important finding of the study of Khurana has been the following one: cell phones can be more dangerous from smoking; the above finding indicates the level of risk related to the use of cell phones but also the level at which cell phones intervene in daily activities have led to the development of addiction similar to smoking – as this problem is revealed through the study presented above. The various aspects of the danger of cell phones for human health are analyzed in the article of Kovach (2007); in the above article reference is made to the findings of the research developed by George Carlo, a medical scientis t who has spent years on studying the effects of cell phones – both of handsets and cell phone towers – on health; his research lasted from 1993 up to 1999 and reveals a series of important aspects of the health risks related to the use of cell phones. The key findings of his study could be summarized as follows: a) cell phones are not tested as for their risks for health; they enter the market without any testing, as a result of a legislative gap of the period when these devices appeared – the 1980s, b) cell phones can cause severe problems of health, even death, since they are involved in the continuous transmission of waves which can adversely affect the bio-field of humans (Kovach 2007); it is possible for this reason that cell phones have been also related to the changes in the DNA of their users – as also highlighted below.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

EDUCATION WELFARE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EDUCATION WELFARE - Essay Example It is common for these kinds of families to collapse, with spouses being left as single-parents. This is precisely what Childers’ describes in her book. While Childers is between the age of 10 and 16, she describes the tough circumstances in which she lives. Childers is the eldest of 7 children, and she is often left in charge of them when her mother wanders away. At home, they do not have a telephone, and there is often no electricity too. They also went to bed to bed hungry. Childers often regrets what she has experienced. The 1960s was a period when non-whites were locked in a struggle to attain equal social rights. However, this did not mean that whites were well off, as many of them lived at or below the poverty line. The United States was increasingly engaging in war in Vietnam, and this put a strain on the economy. Yet, there was some form of welfare to rely on. Amid getting an education through welfare, Childers experienced poverty, violence, neglect and shame. While these are experiences that one may not be able to recount calmly, she succeeds in doing so with honesty and grace. It is here that it is noteworthy to mention that she looks back at her dreadful past as though she appreciates what she has been through. Perhaps, these were hard lessons that taught her well. Childers was not alone in her battle, as her family fought for survival. However, it is her recount of prevailing over unwanted pregnancies and cruel boyfriends that impresses us. She managed to keep her education going despite her struggles outside and within the home. While they lived in bleak conditions, Childers and her sister, Joan, had come to realize one important thing. They knew that they must break the cycle of poverty, and they could do this by getting educated. At home, she had to contend with single mother who was an alcoholic. While she describes how much she

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Canon Business Analysis Essay Example for Free

Canon Business Analysis Essay In 1925, a German camera maker named Oskar Barnack, developed a new, ground-breaking camera called the Leica. It was not until 1933 that a company responded to the success of Barnack’s creation and produced their own 35 millimeter version of his innovative design. Thus was born the Canon Company. By the 1950’s, Canon attained the title of leading producer of cameras in Japan. Since that time, Canon has made it a point to expand and diversify their company as much as possible. They are able to accomplish this primarily through a strong Research and Development program. Through this program, Canon has explored many different technologies such as home electronics and x-ray technology. One of the first product areas they explored was in the electronic calculator segment. Due to the complex nature of the technology, Canon’s engineers were forced to adapt and develop the intricate micro-electric processors that were being used. They were very successful in doing this. In late 1964, one year after their research started, Canon engineers presented top management with the finished product, the Canola 130. This product became the world’s first 10-key numeric pad calculator. However, Canon has not always succeeded in their endeavors. With every triumph comes a failure. One such instance was a printing device that utilized magnetic material that would coat the paper. They called this the Synchroreader. Although it was touted for its use of technology, the application, it was not patented. Another company took the design, improved it, and made it more affordable. Canon learned its lesson after that instance. Body In 1961, a new technology was developed by the Xerox Corporation. In the following years, with the success of their model 914 office copier, Xerox would enjoy a reported ninety three percent market share world wide. Xerox also had the advantage in that they held approximately five hundred patents. This tactic prevented other companies from intruding on their Plain Paper Copier (PPC) technology. Canon entered the market late in the 1960’s and was looked at with a skeptical eye. They were the â€Å"camera company from Japan† (Mintzberg, et al 2003, p. 75) and were not looked at as serious contenders in the photocopy market. Due to the PPC market being cornered by Xerox and their numerous patents, Canon instead moved into the Coated Paper Copying (CPC) market. This technology transfers the reflection of the original image directly to the special zinc oxide coated paper. This is in direct contrast from the PPC technology which uses regular paper and indirectly transfers the image using a rotating drum and charged particles. A similar technology is still being used in fax and photocopiers today. In 1962, while still in the inferior Coated Paper Copying and marketing under a separate name, the Top Management of Canon challenged their engineers to create a PPC process that would not infringe upon the patents held by Xerox. The engineers answered with the â€Å"New Process† in 1968 and became the first copier to carry the Canon name. Two years later the research came to fruition when the NP1100 was released in Japan. This model utilized dry toner and copied at a whopping rate of ten pages per minute. This, of course, is slow by today’s standards. Canon had finally broken into the PPC market. Riding on the success of this new technology, Canon released the NPL7 in 1972, marketing it exclusively to Japanese companies. This model contained several noticeable improvements over the first generation NP1100. Most notably is that the model was â€Å"More economical, more compact, more reliable,† while still keeping the same quality of copy. (Mintzberg, et al 2003, p. 77) Canon’s Top Management began looking for alternative markets for the Plain Paper Copier in the latter half of the 1970’s. The small office market was identified as Canon’s next target market. They devised a plan to accommodate this market by producing a photocopier, using PPC technology, and offering it to small businesses that did not require the large volume, high speed machines that were currently being offered on the market. The concept itself had the potential to change the market by decentralizing the office photocopier. Prior to this innovation, the photocopier in large offices were centralized to one corner of the office, primarily due to its mammoth size. In 1979, Canon’s concept became a resounding reality. They were able to produce a photocopier that not only met and exceeded the cost and reliability targets that were set by Top Management, but in a more practical application, it was able to reduce the need for constant and continual copier maintenance. Based upon previous experience with patent law, Canon employed the use those laws to protect their new found development. Through the years, Canon has demonstrated several core competencies that have enabled them to propel themselves to the top of the market. First and foremost, Canon has employed a pool of extremely talented engineers who made up Canon’s Research and Development team. Through their research, Canon was able to uncover new and innovative products. This varied product line, which included cameras, calculators, and photocopiers, demonstrates Canon’s diversified product line. This diverse line of merchandise is integral to the company’s survival and has enabled Canon to take a multifaceted approach to technological competition. The more diverse type of products that are offered, the more chances there are for success. This has not always worked out in Canon’s favor however. An example of this would be in the development of the synchroreader. Although the technology was much more advanced than what was on the market, poor marketing decisions and an ignorance of United States patent laws cost Canon that share of the market. Since that time, Canon has taken a step by step approach to their marketing strategies. This is especially apparent with the development and marketing of the NP110 copier. They began by distributing the unit in Japan only in a direct sales format. In doing so a company opens themselves up to the threat of collapse due to spreading themselves too thin. Secondly, we can surmise that an isolated marketing strategy, such as the one that Canon employed when marketing their copier to local Japanese dealers first, will be more effective in the long run. By distributing the product locally at first you can focus on close to home customers rather than across seas customers. Finally, a truly cost effective manufacturing process can be more beneficial at times than the products that come off the assembly lines themselves.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fight Club :: essays research papers

Fight Club appears to be a sequel to Clockwork Orange (1971) for the yuppie X Generation, half of whom see their parents get a divorce and are fatherless teenagers. (The word "clockwork" is in the script!) Jack (played by Edward Norton) narrates the film, explaining how his 1997 life of white-collar employment and middle-class materialistic success bored him until he fell under the spell of Tyler Durden (played by Brad Pitt), who takes on part-time jobs so that he can engage in mischief to deal with his own identity crisis. In the early part of the film Jack has insomnia, but his physician will not give him stronger sleeping pills, urging him instead to attend alcoholics anonymous-type groups so that he will meet those with real problems. Initially, the nightly meetings provide enough emotional catharsis so that Jack can get a good night sleep. Then Marla (played by Helena Bonham Carter), another faker, starts attending the same meetings, so impotent Jack no longer enjoys t he experience. Looking for something different, one night in the parking lot outside a bar Jack meets Tyler, who asks him to slug him. The exhilaration of the fight prompts them to repeat the ritual, and ultimately Jack abandons his yuppie lifestyle to live in Tyler's ramshackle house (after Tyler secretly plants a bomb to destroy his condo). Others, watching the two slug it out, soon want to fight, too, whereupon Tyler organizes the Fight Club, eight rules in all, which meets in the basement under the bar. (The eight rules appear patterned on the famous 12-step programs of the AA groups.) Interchangeable parts in an overbureaucratized world, where everyone is employed and thus feels no compulsion to become politically active to get politicians on the ball, the club's members belong to the working class in contrast with middle class Jack and Tyler. Fight Club's camaraderie provides the psychological support so that they can revert to their own animalistic resources. Only Tyler enjoy s sex (with Marla). The others seem so crude in appearance that they have obviously not been able to seek release via sex; that they enjoy a nihilistic men's club, where men are topless, is a clear sign of repressed homosexuality. Only through showing muscle can they feel like men after their demasculinized postindustrial jobs. In due course, Tyler changes the Fight Club into Project Mayhem, a club with fascist rules that stockpiles explosives in Tyler's home preparatory to blowing up high rises.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marketisation of Education Essay

Marketisation is the policy of introducing market forces of supply and demand into education. When the Conservatives came in to power the felt Labour failed to create meritocracy and restructured the system. The 1988 Education Reform Act began the creation of an education market by encouraging competiotion between schools and choice of parents. Before the Education Reform Act, the system was based on The Tripartite System where different types of students would attend one of three different types of schools: Grammar, Technical or Secondary Modern based on the result of their 11+ result. Eventually, it was clear to see that the triparite system didnt focus on equality, as the poorer working-class students would automatically fail the 11+ (restricting them from going to a Grammar school which was intended for the bright and academic) and therefore their chances of success in the future was minimal. Hence, the Education Reform Act was introduced in 1988 under the Tory government introducing a range of measurement; which Ball termed it as the Marketisation of education. This involved a number of changes, such as the introduction of league tables, forcing schools to publish their exam results. The introduction of SAT’s into year 2, year 6 and year 9 at school so formal progress at all schools could be made and monitored and the introduction of the National Curriculum so schools had to teach the same things at the same time. OFSTED was also created so that schools, teachers and pupils were monitored and meeting national standards. Formula funding is an example of a policy where its aimed at creating an education market rather than to tackle inequality. This is where a school receives the same amount of money for each pupil. This can affect a working-class child’s education because if other schools have a higher funding because they are more popular and have better exam results that child is unlikely to get a place at that school and then end up at a less-popular school which has lower exam results because of its lack of funding due to its lack of pupils.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Social environment of business

Business Power James Buchanan Duke was born on December 23rd 1856 In North Carolina. HIS father was the owner of a small factory which produced a brand of chewing tobacco named Pro Bono Public. As he became older It was time for him to take over his father's business, however the number of competition was too high. Taking a major risk, he committed his company to a then-novel product- the cigarette. Unfortunately, back in those days, cigarettes were used by people from the lower class, and they were looked down upon. In spite of this, in 1881 Duke brought 10 Russian migrant cigarette rollers to his North Carolina factory and made about 2,000 per day. Since there was no demand at first, Duke decided to use a famous actress to advertise his cigarettes on a full page newspaper ad. By that time, James Bonsais had invented a machine capable of rolling 200 cigarettes per minute, which failed. Duke saw the opportunity and signed an agreement to operate the machine. The costs of production per thousand was down to $30 from $. 80. Duke moved to New York and had the Idea to hire people to visit tobacco shops ND demand his new machine-rolled Cameo and Cross Cut brands. At one time, he even put glamour photos of semi-nude American actresses on cigarette packs in China. In fact, his cigarettes became a big hit with Chinese men due to this. After carefully observing Rockefeller conquest of the oil industry he saw that his methods could be applied to the tobacco industry. 3 In 1884, he built a holding company called the American Tobacco trust.Bye he had built the trust into a monopoly that controlled 98 percent of the domestic cigarette market and sold 2. Billion cigarettes. His method was to sell his cigarettes at full retail price to dealers which were spied on occasionally by detectives to make sure they were not selling competitors brands. Duke's method shows how much the power of commerce can Influence society. Although cigarettes are poisonous for society's health, he managed to make this product acceptable in people's eyes.There have been many studies done which proved that the use of advertisement is a very powerful tool to use with society, especially with the youth. One of the study was conducted by researchers from Dartmouth Medical School where they followed more than 5,000 Vermont and New Hampshire students ages 10 to 16 from 12 to 26 months. They found that those with higher exposure to movie alcohol use at the initial assessment were more likely to have started drinking at time of follow-up. They also found depictions of alcohol use in 92% of 601 contemporary movies, including in 52% of G-rated films. According to the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown university, alcohol impasses spend nearly $2 billion every year on advertising In the united States. Between 2001 and 2007, there were more than 2 million television ads and 20,000 magazine ads for alcoholic products. 51 believe that this Is a big problem In today's societ y. People are being brainwashed by what they see on television, the Internet shown too much on media which makes it â€Å"okay† for teenagers to use them. Unfortunately, managers need to run their company and would do anything in the hope of becoming successful.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cooperative Learning Tips and Techniques

Cooperative Learning Tips and Techniques Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy classroom teachers use to help their students process information more quickly by having them work in small groups to accomplish a common goal. Each member that is in the group is responsible for learning the information given, and also for helping their fellow group members learn the information as well. How Does It Work? In order for Cooperative learning groups to be successful, the teacher and students must all play their part. The teachers role is to play the part as facilitator and observer, while the students must work together to complete the task. Use the following guidelines to achieve Cooperative learning success: Arrange students heterogeneously in groups as few as two and no more than six.Assign each member of the group a specific role: recorder, observer, bookkeeper, researcher, timekeeper, etc.Monitor each groups progress and teach skills necessary for task completion.Evaluate each group based upon how well they worked together and completed the task. Classroom Management Tips Noise Control: Use the talking chips strategy to control noise. Whenever a student needs to speak in the group they must place their chip in the middle of the table.Getting Students Attention: Have a signal to get students attention. For example, clap two times, raise your hand, ring a bell, etc.Answering Questions: Create a policy where if a group member has a question they must ask the group first before asking the teacher.Use a Timer: Give students a predetermined time for completing the task. Use a timer or stopwatch.Model Instruction: Before handing out the assignment model the instruction of the task and make sure every student understands what is expected. Common Techniques Here are six common cooperative learning techniques to try in your classroom. Jig-Saw: Students are grouped into five or six and each group member is assigned a specific task then must come back to their group and teach them what they learned.Think-Pair-Share: Each member in a group thinks about a question they have from what they just learned, then they pair-up with a member in the group to discuss their responses. Finally they share what they learned with the rest of the class or group.Round Robin: Students are placed into a group of four to six people. Then one person is assigned to be the recorder of the group. Next, the group is assigned a question that has multiple answers to it. Each student goes around the table and answers the question while the recorder writes down their answers.Numbered Heads: Each group member is given a number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc). The teacher then asks the class a question and each group must come together to find an answer. After the time is up the teacher calls a number and only the student with that number may answer the question .   Team-Pair-Solo: Students work together in a group to solve a problem. Next they work with a partner to solve a problem, and finally, they work by themselves to solve a problem. This strategy uses the theory that students can solve more problems with help then they can alone. Students then progress to the point that they can solve the problem on their own only after first being in a team and then paired with a partner.Three-Step Review: The teacher predetermines groups before a lesson. Then, as the lesson progresses, the teacher stops and gives groups three minutes to review what was taught and ask each other any questions they may have.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Attributes in Mathematics

Attributes in Mathematics In mathematics, the word attribute is used to describe a characteristic or feature of an object- usually within a pattern- that allows for grouping of it with other similar objects and is typically used to describe size, shape, or color of objects in a group. The term attribute is taught as early as kindergarten where children are often given a set of attribute blocks of differing colors, sizes, and shapes which the children are asked to sort according to a specific attribute, such as by size, color or shape, then asked to sort again by more than one attribute. In summary, the attribute in math is usually used to describe a geometric pattern  and is used generally throughout the course of mathematic study to define certain traits or characteristics of a group of objects in any given scenario, including the area and measurements of a square or the shape of a football. Common Attributes in Elementary Mathematics When students are introduced to mathematical attributes in kindergarten and first grade, they are primarily expected to understand the concept as it applies to physical objects and the basic physical descriptions of these objects, meaning that size, shape, and color are the most common attributes of early mathematics. Although these basic concepts are later expanded upon in higher mathematics, especially geometry and trigonometry, its important for young mathematicians to grasp the notion that objects can share similar traits and features that can help them sort large groups of objects into smaller, more manageable groupings of objects. Later, especially in higher mathematics, this same principle will be applied to calculating totals of quantifiable attributes between groups of objects like in the example below. Using Attributes to Compare and Group Objects Attributes are especially important in early childhood math lessons, where students must grasp a core understanding of how similar shapes and patterns can help group objects together, where they can then be counted and combined or divided equally into different groups. These core concepts are essential to understanding higher maths, especially in that they provide a basis for simplifying complex equations- from multiplication and division to algebraic and calculus formulas- by observing the patterns and similarities of attributes of particular groups of objects.   Say, for instance, a person had 10 rectangular flower planters that had each had attributes of 12 inches long by 10 inches wide and 5 inches deep. A person would be able to determine that combined surface area of the planters (the length times the width times the number of planters) would equal 600 square inches. On the other hand, if a person had 10 planters that were 12 inches by 10 inches and 20 planters that were 7 inches by 10 inches, the person would have to group the two different sizes of planters by these attributes in order to quickly determine how much surface area all the planters have between them. The formula, therefore, would read (10 X 12 inches X 10 inches) (20 X 7 inches X 10 inches) because the two groups total surface area must be calculated separately since their quantities and sizes differ.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Case of the Variable Laminates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Case of the Variable Laminates - Essay Example This would indicate that soaking time is incremented by 6 minutes, soaking temperature by 10oC and knife pressure by 10 psi. The resulting Taguchi experimental design orthogonal array would assume the form shown in the Appendix. The total number of experiments required would be 36. The thickness measurements are previously being made at every 15 minutes but a greater frequency for soaking time has been defined in order to ensure that process control experimentation resolution is enhanced. The contention in running these experimental runs is to measure the resulting laminate thickness. Once laminate thickness has been tabulated against each experimental run, statistical methods can be used to determine the optimal running conditions. Multiple combinations of operating parameters may produce the desired thickness so other factors such as power consumption may be used to decipher the final operating

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 104

Assignment Example The core issue of a learning contract is to provide a guiding strategy for personal learning. What is needed in a learning contract is a clear declaration of the rationale of the contract. This may be provided as an aim, a predicament or a matter. The purpose must be suitable to the course or subject and be adequately challenging to merit inclusion in a bachelor level program (Anderson, Baud & Sampson 1998). Purpose of learning contracts can be indicated as transforming responsibility for the education process from the educator to the learner to enable students learn better with a clear focus. It is also to offer a motivation by insuring accomplishment under known conditions. Learning contract is a means for a student to have a prepared learning model to pursue. This structure must be specifically designed for individual student’s needs. It offers information and objectives the student has set for their individual